Most of the ECE instructional labs are located in Van Leer. Here, you can see a list of the labs on each floor along with a map highlighting their location. The blue-highlighted labs specify the design and fabrication spaces and the red-highlighted room is the main office.

Van Leer: 2nd Floor

- C-256 & C-252: Embedded Systems Lab (Catalog, Website)
- E-263: Control Systems Lab (Catalog)
- E-265: Robotics Lab (Catalog, Website)
Van Leer: 3rd Floor

- W-324: Power Systems Lab (Catalog)
- C-344: Fiber Optics Lab (Catalog)
- C-345: Audio and Telecommunications Lab (Audio Catalog, Telecom Catalog)
- C-348: Senior Analog Electronics (Catalog)
- C-349 & C-353: Circuit Analysis Lab (Catalog)
- C-352: Instructional Labs Main Office
- C-356: Fabrication Lab
- C-357: Machine Shop
- C-363: Open Design Lab Space
- C-365: Radio Frequency Lab
- C-375: Circuits and Microelectronics Open Lab
- C-383: Circuits and Microelectronics Lab (Catalog)