
Here you can find incomplete lists of the electronic parts stocked by the instructional labs as well as some presentations on the construction and applications of different common components.

Lab Inventory

In addition to placing orders for some design classes, the instructional labs keeps a stock of discrete components and electronics that are available for academic, research, or personal use. Each inventory list may not be entirely complete or up to date, so you can email or visit in-person if the component you’re looking for is not listed. The labs also stock raw materials including wood, acrylic, metal, PVC, and plexiglass.

Download Discrete Component List

Download Electronics List

Download Connectors List

Component Presentations

Below, you can find some presentations that cover the basics for the most common components and devices. What type of motor should you use? And when should you use it? What’s the difference between one transistor and another? These questions sorts of questions can be answered at an introductory level in the presentations created by our undergraduate lab assistants.

RCL Components
Motor Drivers
Other Components

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